The Sobbing Samoyed That Lost All Will to Live Gets a New Lease on Life

Last Updated: August 12, 2024
The Sobbing Samoyed then
Samoyed dog lost courage to live

The Samoyed breed is one of the most beautiful around. These dogs are renowned for their gorgeous coats, graceful demeanor and playful nature. But like any other dog breed, neglect and a rough life can turn even the most beautiful dog into a shell of its former self.

Fortunately, all it takes is the kindness of a human stranger to turn things around!

We love hearing stories about dogs given a new chance at life, and this one about a scared and lonely Samoyed tug at our heartstrings.

This helpless dog gave up on life. Rescuers found it sobbing and terrified, lacking the strength to lift its head with the dignity the breed is known for. While the dog lost all will to live, its saviors allowed it to find new happiness.

A Dog in Serious Neglect

Rescuers found the helpless Samoyed on the roadside. It had a rope tied around its neck, likely abandoned by previous owners. 

The pup was in poor shape. It suffered intense emotional trauma. The dog was crying and shaking. Furthermore, it was severely ill. Patches of hair were gone amidst what looked like injuries and an intense skin condition.

The dog constantly twitched from the pain of its injuries. Rescuers leaped into action, bringing the dog to an animal hospital for a thorough examination.

Once there, hospital staff discovered that the poor Samoyed suffered from canine distemper and severe skin disease. The team decided to shave his fur, allowing for proper treatment. During the shaving process, the dog was indifferent. Still, in the hands of people who wanted to help, it didn't have the strength or resolve to keep fighting. Nonetheless, the rescuers were diligent about the dog's treatment.

The Road to Recovery

The Sobbing Samoyed bath

After shaving the dog, now named Satsuma, the team developed a treatment plan that included medicinal baths.

While scared, particularly with the dryer, the dog warmed up to his rescuers. The scabs on his body began to heal, and the once-terrified Samoyed began to show affection. It was no longer scared of humans, but it was still hesitant. 

The Sobbing Samoyed recovery

Fortunately, a never-ending food supply helped bring the dog out of his shell. He began to beat malnutrition, plumping up as his body healed from within. The dog looked brand-new after three to four months of treatment and care. His fur began to regrow as his skin condition healed.

By the five-month mark, he was fully healed! Not only were his physical injuries no more, but his emotional scars were healing, too.

The Sobbing Samoyed new fur

The dog began to smile and play, becoming part of the pack at his shelter. He was surprisingly well-behaved, waiting patiently for meals and silently guarding others. 

The canine distemper sequelae cause him to shake occasionally, but he's happy and healthy. The Samoyed was ready to die on the roadside, but the actions of caring rescuers allowed him to find joy and happiness in life.

He has a new lease on life, showing gratefulness and affection in subtle ways. His smile radiates, and the dog can finally live a happy life surrounded by those who care.

Image and video credit: Caring Animal Shelter

thank you for sharing pup

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About the author 


Steve is a writer with over 10 years of experience in dog training and nutritiion.

His goal is to educate dog owners about the ins and outs of canine behavior as well as keeping up with the latest scientific research in the field.