How To Make A Dog Poop Quickly

Last Updated: June 6, 2024

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Here's a situation that dog owners have experienced at some point or another:

You're running late for work in the morning. After a speed shower and quick dressing, you realize you still have to bring poor Fido out to do their business. So, you hurriedly take them on a brisk walk.

But instead of pooping immediately after you come outside, they take their sweet time!

Make a dog poop quickly

Or better yet, what about those moments when you have to bring your dog out in the freezing cold or pouring rain! It seems like no matter how pressed for time you are, your furry friend can't help but take things slow!

Those moments are nothing short of frustrating, and you might find yourself getting irritated with your pup's slow pace.

There are many reasons why dogs poop slower than you want them to. Luckily, there are ways to get things moving whenever you're on a time crunch. Here are some ways to make your dog poop quickly.

7 Ways to Make Your Dog Poop Quickly

1. Stick to a Routine

This tip doesn't provide an immediate fix, but it can avoid unnecessary wait times in the future.

Dogs are creatures of habit and do best when they know what will come. While they can't read the clock, your pup can learn when it's time to go out.

Pay attention to your dog's regular pooping habits. Do they defecate once in the morning and once in the evening? Model your dog's pooping schedule around their existing habits.

Sticking to a routine has a couple of advantages. It provides a bit of structure for your dog and gives them some peace of mind.

Accidents often happen because dogs don't know when they can get relief. If they understand the routine, they'll be more comfortable holding things in until it's time to do their business.

For you, routines prevent that annoying "will they, won't they" game. You'll know for sure that your pup has to go, which avoids unnecessary waiting.

Eventually, you can even start working in a poop command. Providing a cue word can help your dog understand when it's time to go. Just don't forget to provide plenty of treats and praise!

2. Massage the Belly

Sometimes, a good belly rub is all your dog needs. It can take some time to get things moving. The muscles can get pretty tense, making it difficult for your dog to poop quickly.

dog belly rub to make him poop quicker

Before you head out, spend a few minutes rubbing the belly. Use your hand to provide a gentle massage.

Rub the stomach in a clockwise motion to stimulate the muscle fibers and boost blood flow.

After about five to ten minutes, you can go outside. You'll find that your dog doesn't need as long of a "warm-up" to pop a squat. Some dogs will need to go the second they step outside! Either way, the process will be much quicker!

3. Get Some Exercise

Here's a tip that's similar to the last one. But instead of gentle massages, you're letting your dog's own body take the reins.

Have you ever wondered why dogs suddenly have the urge to poop mid-walk? It's because exercise stimulates the bowels and gets things moving! 

Your dog's system can get a bit sluggish. This is especially true for senior dogs or those who live more sedentary lifestyles.

Getting some exercise is like hitting a power button to start the process.

Try going on a quick run. Alternatively, you can play a rousing game of fetch or tug-of-war! Whatever you and your dog choose to do, it shouldn't take long to trigger the urge.

4. Find a Distraction-Free Area

Does your dog get easily distracted by neighbors, squirrels, and other dogs? Most canines do! It's one of the more adorable aspects of their personality.

But when you're trying to get your dog to poop quickly, distraction can be a real time-waster!

Dogs would rather focus on whatever's happening around them than do their business. To avoid distractions, go to a quiet space.

You can find a private spot in the woods, a less occupied corner of a dog park, or even a quiet corner in your backyard.

Dog pooping in the yard in a distraction free area

If you have control of the space, rid the area of anything that could attract your dog's attention.

Many dog owners will cordon off a small part of the yard to prevent other animals from getting in and leaving their scents behind.

It might seem like overkill now, but you'll be surprised by how much of a difference going into a distraction-free poop zone can make!

Related: 5 Ways to Get Rid of Dog Poop in your Yard without Scooping

5. Physically Stimulate a Bowel Movement

This one can be a bit off-putting, but hear us out!

One of the quickest and most convenient ways to get your dog to poop is to stimulate a bowel movement by massaging the anus.

We understand that not everyone wants to get up close and personal with their dog's tail end. But if your dog is having a hard time defecating and taking way too long to get things moving, this technique is worth trying.

dog anus

Of course, you'll want to have some hand and finger protection. We recommend using a pet-safe wet wipe. They're pretty affordable and readily available at most pet stores.

Use the wipe to massage your dog's behind in a circular motion. Be gentle and try your best not to make any signs of disgust.

The experience will be weird for both you and your dog the first time. Making it a big deal will only cause your dog to fear the experience.

You can pair this massage with a standard belly rub for maximum efficiency.

6. Use Water

The cold water method is a more hands-off approach to bowel stimulation. Instead of using a wet wipe, you'd use a spray bottle filled with cold water.

When it's time to poop, lift your dog's tail and give the anus a few squirts. It may take a couple of spritzes, but the technique should eventually cause your dog to defecate.

Make sure to keep an eye on their reaction. If you notice any signs of pain, hold off on the water sprays and visit a vet.

7. Try the Ice Cube Technique

A sensation of sudden cold is surprisingly effective at getting dogs to poop. If you've tried the wet wipe and water methods to no avail, the ice cube technique takes things a step further.

Now, this will undoubtedly catch your dog off guard. They'll likely try to run away, so make sure you have a firm hold of your dog and plenty of treats to placate them.

Hold an ice cube to your dog's anus for about 30 seconds. The cold should trigger contractions that help your dog defecate.

What About Constipation?

While sheer personal preference and distractions could be the culprit, medical issues could prevent your dog from pooping quickly.

Constipation is a common issue that can affect dogs throughout their life. It can be a one-off event or a byproduct of a larger health problem.

Either way, constipation is not something you can force to go away. It requires a systematic approach to your dog's health.

Before we get into possible solutions, what are the symptoms of constipation? For a dog, you'll likely notice some struggling. Constipation often prevents dogs from pooping for several days.

You might see them attempting to pop a squat several times before giving up and going back inside.

If they're lucky enough to overcome constipation, defecation can be painful enough to cause yelps or whining when they do go. The stool that eventually passes may appear dry or stiff. In severe cases, you may even see some streaks of blood or mucous.

Related: 5 Possible Causes of Yellow Dog Poop

Solutions for Constipation

The first thing you should do is take a hard look at your pup's diet. Cheap ingredients that are hard to process will cause digestive issues.

Stick to high-quality formulas with a decent amount of fiber to keep your dog regular.

Next, consider your dog's lifestyle. If your dog doesn't get enough exercise, constipation can be chronic. Consider going on more regular walks.

You don't have to push your dog into being an athlete, but spending less time lounging on the couch is always a plus.

If all else fails, you can add supplements to your dog's meals.

Canned pumpkin, leafy greens, and coconut oil are known for increasing fiber content and making it easier for canines to defecate.

The same goes for ginger and hydrating broth. You can try these DIY solutions one at a time until you find something that works. Commercial products are available as well.

Of course, we always recommend consulting with your vet before making any significant diet changes. Bring up your dog's constipation during your next visit.

They can help narrow down the root cause of the issue and provide treatment for any potential problems causing poop issues.


Your dog's pooping habits can say a lot about their health. Before getting frustrated about how long your canine companion is taking, make sure there are no severe health issues at play.

Once you and your vet rule that out, you can try these techniques to encourage quick and easy poop sessions.


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About the author 


Steve is a writer with over 10 years of experience in dog training and nutritiion.

His goal is to educate dog owners about the ins and outs of canine behavior as well as keeping up with the latest scientific research in the field.