Since the dawn of history, dogs have walked this earth alongside humans. As the saying goes, dogs are man's best friend! The bond that humans can form with canines is nothing short of magical.
However, some people don't recognize the beauty of the canine-to-human bond, treating helpless dogs as nothing more than a punching bag for them to take their issues out on.
That's unfortunately the case for the helpless dog a stranger encountered on the streets.
A Badly Injured Canine

A person found an injured and disfigured dog wandering helplessly on the street. The appearance of this dog was heartbreaking. Its head was swollen, and one of its eyes was bulging clear from its skull. It looked like a monster, but the dog's actions proved it to be otherwise.
The pup was waiting for anyone to stop, and this kind stranger was likely the first to look at it with anything but disgust.
The kind individuals called to the dog, and it followed. The dog frequently flinched, showing hesitation at following this new human. But it pressed on, occasionally wagging its tail at the thought that this person could be its savior.
After being brought home, the dog stayed outside. It was as if it couldn't dare enter the house, staying timidly outside. The stranger tried to feed it, but they quickly realized that the dog's injuries were far worse than they imagined.
Its mouth was so bad that they couldn't eat, only taking small sips of water. This concerned human knew that the dog needed help as soon as possible.
A Tough Road to Recovery

The next day, the stranger brought the dog to the vet, where it could receive a full assessment. The diagnosis was gut-wrenching. Half of the dog's face was severely ulcerated, swollen and inflamed.
The veterinarian believed the injury was the product of blunt force trauma, possibly abuse from a human. Because the dog wasn't injured anywhere but the face, it was likely a victim of severe physical abuse.
The vet could not save the poor dog's bulging eye. It needed surgery immediately to remove it and get help for its injuries.
The veterinary team jumped into action, restoring the dog's face, removing its damaged eye and addressing its many injuries. Afterward, the dog was in immense pain. It frequently moaned as it tried to heal. The team and rescuer decided to call the dog "Pirate Captain" after its one eye.
Captain stayed overnight at the hospital, and the dog's savior visited with her dog the next day to lift its spirits. While in rough shape, the dog was on its way to getting better. It was able to eat some food, and the veterinarian advised the rescuer to prepare a home-cooked meal.
So, that's just what they did. They went home, collected hearty and nutritious ingredients and packed the meal up to take to the vet.
The dog smelled the fragrant meal immediately. When it was finally able to eat, it nuzzled its savior as a sign of appreciation.
A New Life
The once-abused dog stayed in the veterinary clinic for several weeks, making great progress with each passing day. Its wounds were healing slowly but surely. The kind human continued cooking meals, bringing them to Captain daily. Mealtime was a fantastic moment for bonding.
Captain was hurt in the past, but the dog is now in the loving arms of a new owner–the only one who stopped and gave it the help it needed.
Captain no longer has to worry about pain, abandonment or abuse. Instead, it can recover, live out its days in comfort and finally have the love it so desperately wanted.
Image and Video Credit: Caring Animal Shelter